There are currently around 200 million active websites. This huge number is testament to how much the web is central to our lives. What’s more, website builders such as Squarespace offer unparalleled functionality to get your business online. However, there are many Squarespace alternatives available too. For example, Wix and Weebly have both been popular solutions for starting a website….. Continue Reading
7 Ways to Fix the ‘Sorry You Are Not Allowed to Access This Page’ Error
Many WordPress errors are warnings or notices that something is wrong with your site. However, the Sorry You Are Not Allowed to Access This Page notice is actually looking to help you. There are many causes of the error, and most require a few basic skills to solve. Once you’ve narrowed down the issue and resolved it, you’ll be back…. Continue Reading
‘Your PHP Installation Appears to Be Missing the MySQL Extension Which Is Required by WordPress’: What It Is and How to Fix It
Fortunately, WordPress errors aren’t a regular occurrence for most users. For those that do crop up regularly, there’s usually a fix to be found. However, if you come across Your PHP Installation Appears to Be Missing the MySQL Extension Which Is Required by WordPress, you may be scratching your head for a while. This is because there is no obvious…. Continue Reading
How to Duplicate a Page in WordPress
Duplicate content isn’t something you want to often have on your site. However, creating copies of your pages – i.e. duplicating them – for consistency is smart practice. Your only concern should be how to get the job done. Fortunately, there are a few ways to duplicate a page in WordPress, which is to be expected for such a flexible…. Continue Reading
5 Perfect Places to Sell Your Photos Online
ECommerce is already big business. However, there has been a surge during the global COVID-19 pandemic of people parlaying their hobbies and skills into paying ventures. Photography is one area you might turn to. However, to sell your photos online, you’ll need to choose the right platform. There are many approaches you could take to sell your photos online. However,…. Continue Reading
How to Create a Site Icon for Your WordPress Website
Branding experts will often talk about visibility. In other words, user-facing elements of your site should practically always reflect your branding. However, one project you may not have considered is to create a site icon for your WordPress website. The good news is that it’s easier than ever to design and upload your site icon to WordPress. In fact, there…. Continue Reading
How to Create a Privacy Policy for Your WordPress Website
User privacy should be a primary concern for most businesses. After all, it’s the users who provide you with income and traffic. As such, many (if not all) companies create a privacy policy to outline how they protect user data. Fortunately, there are plenty of tools available to create and implement a privacy policy. What’s more, there’s even a quick…. Continue Reading
How to Use Varying Vagrant Vagrants (VVV) for WordPress Development
Developing your website is always a landmark moment, especially when it’s your first time. However, despite almost every host offering a way to spin up a WordPress install on your server, this isn’t recommended. The better way is to create a site on your computer, and upload it once you’re ready. Using a tool such as Varying Vagrant Vagrants (VVV)…. Continue Reading