Many website owners disregard 404 errors claiming them to be a harmless issue. However, it can actually affect your website negatively in many different ways. On one hand, it will cost you many of your potential customers who will exit your website after discovering a 404 page and, more importantly, it could also cost you valuable backlinks and lots of…. Continue Reading
What Is 502 Bad Gateway Error & How To Fix It In WordPress
WordPress is a solid software that provides a smooth experience for website users. Well, at least most of the times. Like most other software, WordPress also has some flaws that cause certain errors and malfunctions. The 502 Bad Gateway error is one of the terrible errors that often frustrates WordPress users. Mainly because this is an error that’s quite difficult…. Continue Reading
Pagely Review: Pricey Managed WordPress Hosting, But Is It Worth Paying For?
Considering using Pagely to host your WordPress site? With plans starting at $299 per month, Pagely isn’t for casual webmasters (nor is that who Pagely markets itself to). Instead, Pagely is managed WordPress hosting for serious businesses and webmasters where reliability, flexibility, and support are paramount. But does it deliver, and is it worth the price? In my Pagely review,…. Continue Reading
How To A/B Test Blog Post Titles In WordPress & Improve CTR
The title of a blog post is the most important aspect of SEO that you should focus on above all else. Because, no matter how many keywords you stuff into a title, all your efforts will go to waste if no one reads the blog post. What if there’s a way you can figure out which titles your readers are…. Continue Reading
How To Setup Free Automatic Backups in WordPress With UpdraftPlus
Many website owners and bloggers solely rely on web hosting providers to backup their websites daily. But, there’s a big flaw in this entire system. Did you know that most shared hosting providers use the same server where your website is hosted to also store your backups? This means, if for some reason your website’s server disk gets corrupted, damaged,…. Continue Reading
How To Setup Stripe To Accept Payments in WordPress
Everyone (except a very few) starts a blog expecting to make some kind of a profit from it. Why else would you spend hundreds of dollars on web hosting, domains, and creating content, right? So, whether you plan on monetizing your WordPress blog by selling your own eBook, an online course, a membership site, or even planning on setting up…. Continue Reading
25+ Best Responsive BuddyPress WordPress Themes 2017
Social networking is no less a revolutionary phenomenon and perhaps the biggest boon of 21st century. Distances have blurred and the whole world has come into your hands, literally as well as metaphorically. Your mobile device is your window to the world as you can access and connect with people in all parts of the world. Now this is really…. Continue Reading
How to Add A Responsive Slider to your Genesis Child Theme
We already know a lot of people hate sliders, and does not like using them. But there are still many bloggers and marketers who prefer to ue sliders for promoting their best stuff on the website. In the past, we have covered 7 Best Slider WordPress Slider Plugins, many of them which are compatible with Genesis Framework. But none of…. Continue Reading